‘Squad’ Member Cori Bush Revives Decade-Old Hoax in Bid to Pass ‘Mike Brown Bill,’ Gets Fitting Backlash

When it comes to stirring up the racial hatred that’s her stock in trade, Rep. Cori Bush won’t quit.

The “squad” member from Missouri, who made her name on the unfounded protests against the 2014 police shooting of a criminal in Ferguson, Missouri, that galvanized the Black Lives Matter movement, is reintroducing a bill to spend buckets of taxpayer money on what she calls the “victims” of “police violence.”

And the backlash has been exactly what she deserves.

In a video posted Monday, the progressive Democrat took note of what would have been the 28th birthday of Michael Brown, the 18-year-old who died attacking a police officer after robbing a store of cigarillos a decade ago.

Brown’s death in August 2014 set off a wave of protests in Missouri and, as USA Today noted in a 2016 report, gave new life to the Black Lives Matter protests that first arose after the shooting of a mugger named Trayvon Martin by Florida neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in 2012.


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“Mike Brown should be turning 28 today, but his life was taken by a Ferguson police officer,” Bush wrote in the X post.

In the video, she said she was introducing — for the third time, according to The Hill — the “Helping Families Heal Act” or “Mike Brown Bill” — a $100 million program to provide mental health counseling for those who have been, in Bush’s telling, “impacted by police violence” and reduce “police violence” in communities most affected by it.

Will Cori Bush’s bill inflame racial tensions?

Well, not to rain on anyone’s parade or anything, but the vast, vast majority of those most directly affected by police violence are violent criminals themselves, exactly the kind of people a sane society pays police officers to keep in line.

And those indirectly affected by it — the families and friends of those killed or incarcerated by police — would be better served remembering that.

But those kinds of observations come under the heading of “truth” — something with which a leftist politician like Bush has only a passing familiarity.


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This is the woman who in 2021 peddled the lie that “white supremacists” hiding behind hills had shot at Ferguson protesters with impunity. (At the time she was agitating for the conviction of Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who shot three men — two of them fatally — while defending himself during rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 2020.)

She has claimed, ludicrously, that the radical leftists of the 21st century are the heirs of the moral heroism of the civil rights movement — though they’re as racially obsessed as any Southern segregationist ever was (and even more anti-Semitic).

As to her championing the idea that Brown was some kind of martyr?

Even Glenn Kessler, The Washington Post’s hopelessly biased “Fact Checker,” has acknowledged that a grand jury declined to indict the officer who shot Brown, and the Barack Obama Justice Department’s report could find no evidence the officer had done anything wrong.

Remember the whole “hands up, don’t shoot” mania? That was, as Post columnist Jonathan Capehart once put it, “built on a lie.”

Bush is, in short, a fraud — as much of a fraud as the idea a decade ago that an innocent young black man named Michael Brown had been gunned down by a racist police officer.

Where a popular refrain of civil rights protesters once was “keep hope alive” (as the race-hustling Jesse Jackson put it in those-oh-so-innocent-’80s), in the Cori Bush era, it’s “keep hoax alive.”

And the social media backlash to her video showed that the public knows it. Virtually every response was scathing scorn.

Check out a few more here:

But this one might have summed it up the best:

Of course, racial antagonism in the United States didn’t start with the likes of Cori Bush. But any American honest knows where the country has been, and how far it’s come.

And there’s no doubt that the biggest, most inflammatory and most dangerous racial incidents of the 21st century — Trayvon Martin in Florida, Michael Brown in Missouri, Freddy Gray in Maryland, and, of course, the sainted George Floyd in Minneapolis — have been inflamed by the race hustlers of the left for political gain (and personal gain).

With a seemingly bottomless supply of white liberal guilt to milk, the knee-jerk support of the establishment media, and the country barreling toward a presidential election pitting Joe Biden, a prop-up president on his best days, against Donald Trump, a Republican they clearly fear and loath, they don’t see any reason to quit now.

And Cori Bush clearly isn’t going to — no matter how much damage she, her “squad” and her squalid Democratic Party are doing to the country.

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