Biden: Give up your guns, you need F-15’s to fight the government

President Joe Biden speaks during a joint news conference with Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida (not pictured) after their bilateral meeting at Akasaka Palace in Tokyo, Japan, May 23, 2022. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

President Joe Biden speaks during news conference on May 23, 2022. (REUTERS Photo/Jonathan Ernst)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:40 AM PT – Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The man 45th President Donald Trump describes as “sleepy uncle Joe” appeared to fumble his way through a rally. While speaking at Wilkes University on Tuesday, Joe Biden said the audience should vote Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro to the Senate despite Shapiro running for governor.

Biden also asked for Senate candidate John Fetterman to be elected as governor describing him as a “big ole boy.” However, he also used this opportunity to turn the event into political theater by telling the audience to vote out anyone who didn’t support his proposal to have so-called assault weapons banned.

He then went on to try and play moderate by voicing his opposition to defunding the police, which is in stark contrast to his voter base who has made repeated calls to have law enforcement be defunded in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.

“Look. I want to set as clear as I can,” Biden stated. “There’s no place in this country, no place for endangering the lives of law enforcement. No place. None. Never, period. I’m opposed to defunding the police. I’m also opposed to defunding the FBI.”

However, Biden touted the strength of the federal government giving a stark warning to anyone who argued that the Second Amendment was to protect the people from a tyrannical government. He said anyone who pushes this argument would need a F-15 aircrafts to take on the government in a rebellion.

“And for those brave right-wing Americans that say it’s all about keeping America as independent and safe, if you want to fight against a country you need an F-15,” Biden claimed. “You need something a little more than a gun. I’m not joking, think about this, think about the rationale we use, that’s used to provide this and who they are shooting at, they are shooting at these guys behind me.”

In the meantime, a House bill looking to ban so-called assault weapons has yet to be voted on in the Senate.

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